Thursday, May 13, 2010

Drawn from (Online) Life

Actual Pages:


Broad questions that invite personal attacks (actually given in my class):

1. What does the Equal Protection Clause provide? Should the government ever be allowed to treat persons differently because of their race? Explain.

2. Is it socially responsible for the University of Michigan Law School to consider minority applicant’s race as a plus factor in its admissions decisions?

3. Is anyone hurt by the University of Michigan Law School’s race-conscious admissions policy?

Better questions (also given in my class):

1. How and when did Mrs. DeWeerth come to be the owner of the Monet painting?

2. What proof did Mrs. DeWeerth have that she ever had possession of the painting?

3. How and when did Mrs.DeWeerth lose possession of the painting?

4. Given the fact that a great deal of European art was “lost” during WWII, how do you think this case will be resolved?

5. Do you think it is fair for Mrs. DeWeerth to bring suit under the circumstances?

6. Mrs. Baldinger paid for the painting, ostensibly in good faith. Do you think it is fair for a court to take it from her and give it to Mrs.DeWeerth? Why or why not?

7. Explain the role of the lawyer in the initial stages of this action.

Effective use of streaming media:

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(Potentially) Less effective use of streaming media:

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